Thursday, 23 April 2015

Art as inspiration, reflection and hope- a personal testimony.

The Only Way to Live

I have mentioned this painting before in Experimental Days and Previous Study/ Tafe Design posts. To refresh your memory, I had originally based this painting on a self portrait needed to gain access into a TAFE design course. As I had just finished a harrowing, yet successful liver treatment, I literally felt free- ready to take a leap of faith off a mountain as a new day began, and embrace my colourful, positive, bright new future. Today, I am humbled and privileged to mention it again after receiving a beautifully worded, and very powerful letter of how much this painting is still impacting a dear friend, Kassandra.

 'For 6 years this beautiful painting by my dear friend Marija has been in the foreground, and at times in the background of my life. The degree to which this has been true has depended very much upon how honestly I have wanted to look at my life at any given moment. At some points over the past 6 years I have been able to look deeply into this painting- like a mirror looking upon my own reflection. I have been able to feel the courage, faith, adventure and liberation of her mind, body and spirit as my own. These have been in the moments of growth, achievement and strength after a struggle or time of pain-and the weight of pain, heartache, fear and confusion has been released from me in that moment. Like her, I have risen, shaken off those chains that have bound my soul and have taken the leap of faith into my unknown future. 

 There have also been the times that she has been in the background.  I say this because it is in these moments, I have not even been able to glance upon her for the sadness that can overwhelm me in knowing that I am not living in that state of freedom from all that I mentioned above. These are the times when the liberation feels so far off in the distance and I am trying to find a way; to scramble and claw my way over the mountain, much less leap off it with not a worry in the world. However, no matter what I am feeling, what is happening in my life, this precious painting of Marija's has been a constant in my life. 

 Sometimes, actually very often, it has been my only source of female support around me. Even in those moments when I have a hard time looking upon it for the fear of truly facing my circumstances, I have to eventually look up and reflect upon my self once more. There is no avoiding the truth of this painting. When I do finally look up and look out from my place of darkness, I feel drawn in by her, encouraged by her; she takes me by the hand and invites me to join her once more on an adventure into my own heart and into my brave new future. She reminds me of my birthright to a Blessed and joyous life free of chains. Best of all, she reminds me of my Beautiful beautiful friend Marija whom I love and cherish so very much. Even though my dear friend and I are physically so far apart, having Marija's art work in my home keeps us close in every other way. This painting means so much to me. These words have only just scratched the surface of the deep, deep places this painting can take me. It is so very personal and this will be an endless journey into myself, the known and the unknown. 

 Thank you Marija for this magnificent gift that has been many, many times, all that I have had (besides my children) to lift me up after I have fallen'.

My beautiful friend, Kassandra, with my painting. Separated only by distance. Friends of the heart always :)

Receiving these beautiful words this week was timely. Despite facing a number of challenges, I was reminded of not only my worth as a friend and artist, but to remember the feelings behind this art work. I felt free, energised, liberated, optimistic, hopeful and brave- so I painted those emotions and titled the work, The Only Way To Live'. 

This is how I need to live again! Thank you so much Kassandra, for returning the blessing and encouragement. 

I hope this artwork offers inspiration to others as well, even if to encourage you to express your own inner turmoils or joys creatively. 

Thank you for reading. Until next time... 

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

It's time for tea

Welcome back! I am so keen to show you what I have been up to today. As you can guess by the title, it's tea related. Well, sort of. 

I have had projects waiting for far too long. I couldn't stand it any longer, so I got hubby to retrieve my things from the garage, which was my art studio but is now his. Sigh. The joys of sharing.

Anyway, I have a zillion tea pot cut-outs I have been wanting to tackle for the longest time. Lots and lots of reasons why I haven't, but here, today, I made a start at designing one pattern of many to paint on them. 

Let's start at the ending. This is the completed template, done in a day with a baby to attend to. Of course, she was extra hungry and wanted lots of cuddles just to make it a challenge! Still- look at what I managed. As I look at this, I feel accomplished, and satisfied. I absolutely adore illustrating. I am not at all sure if this will ever end up painted onto a teapot, but I don't care. I had fun and realised how much I miss creating. 

Follow the process of creation below...

The plan was: trace the largest wooden teapot cut-out, draw up a design and get it ready to paint. I saw a beautiful floral pattern on a make-up bag recently and based my design off that. Of course, mine has been changed enough to make it unique, not a direct copy. Above is the start of my floral design. I sketched it in HB pencil first, then with a fine tip black marker when satisfied with the placement.

Annoyingly, I can't seem to flip this the right way. However, I did at times need to turn the paper to get the flowers drawn in, so this works. I had a bit of trouble making the right side (or the bottom in this picture) look balanced and fit.  I decided to stop drawing more flowers at this stage. I was getting annoyed at how unbalanced the picture looked, and I nearly gave up on it.

The next stage was to colour in :) I love using coloured pencils, and this stage helped me  want to continue after all. Detail and colouring is my thing. I enjoy it so much, that when my baby slept, I sat busily creating away and barely got up for a couple of hours.

A closer look at the detail. I honestly gave up creating this for painting and just enjoyed the project for the fun it was giving me. I love colourful, quirky, fun pictures. I can see my illustrative style clearly here. After a couple of years break- it hasn't changed. I'm relieved at that. I aim to always improve- I just didn't want to have become worse.
Notice the unfinished middle? I still hadn't worked out what to do with that yet.

Nearly there! The centre design happened by chance. I grabbed a ramekin from the cupboard and centred it on the picture. With my eye as a guide, I traced around it, felt happy with the placement, and  turned it into my gold edged circle. Perfect for when I place a clock face on should this ever get transferred to wood. 
I was more than happy with the placement and centre resolution. 

Here is a closer look at the handle. That was a bit tricky to complete due to it's narrowness. I had to use colours and flowers that helped balance the whole teapot, and I feel this suffices.

After I coloured the background, I shaded here and there to give it depth, then added the spots. Some are close together, some further apart, but it adds another layer to the overall picture. I love layering. Makes the design a bit of fun :)

I personally can't wait to get back into creating more. When I was adding the spots, I was daydreaming about illustrating kid's books and having my sweet little girl stand around, watching, asking lots of questions and drawing herself. Sigh. Dreams are free. Dreams also give you hope.

And I hope you have enjoyed a brief, but in depth look into my teapot creation. Now, I think it's time for a cuppa...

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

The creation of Mardi LOVES Lipstick!

I have been so keen to tell you about Mardi LOVES Lipstick! I mentioned in a previous post, someone didn't back up her hard-drive and lost her images. Well, technically, they can be retrieved, if I can only remember to purchase the necessary IDE hard-drive caddy. Thankfully, after much searching, I did manage to find photocopies of my illustrations. With a bit of scanning, here they are at long last! 

As you may gather from reading my posts, I have often chosen to dwell on the positive despite negative circumstances. The creation of Mardi LOVES Lipstick! was no exception. If you haven't already done so, please read my post Buried Treasure, as it creatively outlines what I have been through. One of the lines states: only then was I free to challenge the disease that ravaged my body. Creating Mardi LOVES Lipstick! was a direct response to going a treatment called Combination Therapy to cure me. The side effects had scared me off a decade earlier, but the longer you harbour sickness, the worse you become. Thankfully, the benefits of waiting outweighed the risks; I was stronger emotionally, and the treatment had improved considerably. Still, I was very aware that depression was a huge risk factor. People have even suicided while on this treatment. I knew staying positive was vital.

At the time of commencing my treatment, I was part of our church band as a singer. There were many amazing people also in this band, including the Chalmers family, and their gorgeous, lipstick obsessed daughter, Amaria. Her antics cracked me up! And the speed she literally devoured Lip Smackers gloss my eldest daughter would buy was just too funny. So, Mardi LOVES Lipstick! was born.

It took a couple of years from creation to the first printed book arriving via post, but I am proud that, during a painful 6 months of treatment and a further 6 months of recovering from the physical and emotional side effects of the treatment, I made a silly, funny, bright and cheery kid's book. It hasn't made me money, but I don't care. The fact that I did it makes me proud. Finishing anything with passion makes someone a success in my eyes.

Enjoy the read...

Mardi had always loved lipstick. Even as a little baby. She tried to snatch her mum's lipstick the day after she was born.

Mardi's love of lipstick grew into a bit of an obsession. Now, at five, Mardi had a collection of one thousand, three hundred and fifty two colourful lipsticks and lip glosses. Her room was so full that the door was hard to shut!

One morning, Mardi's mum went in to make her daughter's bed when she slipped and got stuck under the massive mountain of lipstick.

The fire department had to be called to pull her out safely.

Despite her mother's unfortunate bed making incident, Mardi's passion for shiny lipstick still wasn't satisfied. So, one night, she sat up late, making a very clever radar out of soap, paper clips, a lipstick case and a bell  borrowed from the cat's collar.

Mardi sat on her front step the next morning, radar in her hands. 
A very round lady walked past. The radar shook and the bell tinkled.

Mardi ran up to the very round lady and asked in her sweetest voice, "May I please borrow some lipstick?"
The very round lady smiled and took a lovely, shiny, red lipstick out of her handbag . 
Mardi snatched it and ran inside.

After learning what she had done, Mardi's mum and dad were very worried. Their daughter's obsession had now gone too far.
Mardi was told to go outside and return the lipstick to the now very cross, very round lady.
Mardi refused and then locked herself in her room.
After needing the fire brigade to get out last time, neither parent was brave enough to venture in.

So, after a phone call, they stood outside her door, offering s truck load of lollies, which was now parked outside. Hopefully, she would just come out and return the lipstick to the very round lady.
"NO!" Mardi shouted. She wouldn't budge.

Next, they called the local circus that used trick ponies, magic clowns and fire twirling trapeze artists. 
The circus set themselves up in the backyard, ready and waiting to perform.
Mardi still refused to come out.

In desperation, her parents made one last phone call. Moments later, a helicopter showed up and hovered overhead. A monster water slide theme park was about to open. Mardi was promised she would be the first to try the rides if she would just come out and give back the lipstick.
Mardi simple refused and crossed her arms and pursed her lips.
"I'm not interested!" she told them.

Suddenly, the very round lady came up with an idea. She whispered something to Mardi's parents. They looked sad but nodded.
The very round lady hurried off.

Later that day, a girl giant stomped down the street. The huge girl stopped outside Mardi's house and took the very round lady out of her handbag and placed her on the ground.
"This is my lipstick obsessed niece, Revlona!" the very round lady announced.

With one mighty lift, Revlona removed the roof from the house and peered inside. Mardi screamed at the sight of this very large girl.

Revlona scooped Mardi out of her room, bringing lipsticks and all in her oversized hand. After replacing the roof neatly, the giant stomped away.

Mardi didn't mind her life as a giants lipstick twirler. However, it did get a little squashy living inside a lipstick tube at times. 
And sometimes, Mardi missed her parents.
But now that she was actually part of a lipstick herself, life was really quite wonderful.

Written and illustrated
Marija Munro.

This is my little book :) Feels good to hold a completed project in your hands.

The inside cover with publisher details...

...And the blurb on the back :) 

There you have it, at long last. I must admit, I would love to re-write it. But honestly, under the circumstances of its creation, I am thrilled to have done what I have and get it this far. It wasn't easy in any way! Small steps forward is how I see this, and a brilliant learning experience too. 

Hubby once looked online and found my book for sale on countless sites and it also had some flattering reviews. The company I published with has it available here, and it's also available on ebay, Amazon and numerous other sites. A gorgeous, creative soul even blogged a review on my book. His blog is called Sparrow. Please click here for details. Thank you Tyson :)

I am so looking forward to bringing you more creative posts. I am working on it- and very motivated to show you what is happening now. Stay tuned! And as always, thanks for reading :)

Monday, 2 February 2015

The Healing Power of Art

After a long, long break, I am excited to be back! This lesson have I learnt; even the sweetest little baby can make the best laid plans go pear shaped! The past several months have been a blur. A wonderful blur, but a blur none the less. 

I am adoring motherhood at 45. Of course, I didn't stop being a mum to my two older girls who are 19 and 24. But all that wonderful, messy, cuddly, gurgling, time consuming baby kind of mothering is just divine after so long without it. It's also divine watching my older girls smother their little sister with an abundance of love and attention. Its time consumingly wonderful to watch a little chubby bub discover so many things; leaves blowing in the wind, how to grab objects, how to catch your attention, study your mouth as you talk, taste absolutely everything, attempt to walk on unsteady legs...I could go on. But just in case you think that's all I've been doing, check this out: Arabelle's Window. This is my health and new attitude focused blog. Having my 3rd c-section led to a few health issues, including significant weight gain. My way of overcoming that was to make myself accountable-hence the blog. 

Another thing that has kept me busy is dealing with deep issues that have kept me bound for far too long. Nothing like bringing a sweet soul into this world to make you realise you need to get rid of some excess emotional baggage. I realised I needed help unloading this, so I went to see someone I respect immensely for help once again, my counsellor and friend, Carol Comerford. 

Permission to go deep please. I uncovered that I was living with shame. With increasing strength over the years, I never felt I measured up anywhere, or to anyone. I've tried to perform my way out of it, yet I still felt powerless and inadequate. And very, very afraid. I was carrying the baggage of shame. Trust me, carrying that kind of baggage weighs you down, and causes you to shut down due to the burden of dragging it around everywhere. I felt powerless, unlovable, without a voice and very angry as a result. 

Carol has one of my paintings in her office, one I have finally titled Hope Takes Root in Gratitude. During a counselling session, Carol mentioned how my painting had impacted others. Those words in turn impacted me deeply. It started me acknowledging that I am allowed to have my own style, and that style does have relevance. A style also touches hearts. I paint, and I write, simply, with vibrancy and passion. 

This revelation is the perfect place to start afresh. This time, I won't tell you of my plans, but I simply can't wait to show you! But before I do, please read what Carol Comerford had to say about my work yesterday...

I have always admired Marija's work. Around 2007, Marija had completed several significant artworks, and in particular, I really admired this work because of the colours and the subject matter. Marija kindly donated this work to my counselling practice which was then in its infancy. 
Because we were in the process of moving premises, the work resided in my family home for a period of time. While it was there, people always commented on the work and how striking it was. When I moved to a bigger premises, I was able to hang the work on the main wall in my office, next to where I sit and counsel clients.
Clients always remark on the work in relation to its artistic merit and aesthetic appeal. However, it is the therapeutic impact that has impressed me. The work I do with clients is often in relation to significant traumatic events in their lives and can be very confronting. It is very important that clients feel safe and comfortable in the counselling space. Marija's artwork has been beneficial in centering and grounding several clients when they have been going through difficult emotions and processes. The healing power of art is very evident in Marija's work.

Carol Comerford.   

Carol has been a practicing Counsellor for 22 years, is a qualified Social Worker, Member of AASW and is a registered Medicare provider. Carol has a long history of working with clients who have experienced trauma at anytime in their lives, particularly victims of sexual violence. 
Her practice is C3 Counselling and Consultancy.

And there you have it, my story for past several months. It has been a bumpy, exciting, challenging, healing journey. Now that I am more aware than ever of the healing power of art, I am determined to let my heart lead the way and step into a vibrant, creative new season. Stay tuned! And thanks for reading :)

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Bunnies, a butterfly, bee and a bug

It has been far too long between posts. Largely, that is because a certain little person growing in my womb was causing no end of nerve pain for a vast majority of my pregnancy, making most simple things, like sitting and lying, rather unpleasant. Ok, extremely unpleasant! That put many things on hold, as getting sufficient rest and visiting hospital far too often became my regular routine. I did manage to squeeze in a few creative projects though- not too complicated and quite therapeutic until my sweet bubby was born. 

The bunnies are not an original me design. I'm quite sure it's Patsy Rabbit by Rachel Woodley. When i find the original Doll book, I will confirm.

As you can see, I went a bit crazy and, well, the rabbits just kind of  multiplied! Some of them made lovely gifts for cute kids, The rest will live with me until my little girl decides on her choice, and the rest will be gifts.

This mobile is an original design. I love gardens and all that they contain, so decided on this theme for a fun little mobile. 
I did several sketches until I landed on a design, and size I liked. Then it was a matter of choosing felt colours- that was the challenging bit- so much choice! 

The top section detail. The mobile is completely hand stitched. This top section has a layer of thick cardboard inside to give it some stability. The light green layers were stitched together first, then the dark green was added and stitched in place, and then the daisies, with the yellow centres last. The final detail was the leaf veins. Oops, nearly forgot-there are 3 pieces of ribbon that hang from this section- they were carefully sewn in during the light green stage.

Butterfly detail. Each part of this little guy is hand stitched, right down to his eyes and pink cheeks. It was such a relaxing way to create a precious item for my bubby's nursery. And she loves it, often chatting away to her new friends.

I had hoped long ago to bring you Mardi LOVES Lipstick! But someone didn't save her work on an external hard-drive did she, and now, all that information lives on a lonely internal hard-drive that calls no desk top home. I have been told to blog the process of purchasing the equipment necessary and the procedure to recover this information by my hubby. It will probably be a great experience for me, as it's already been a valuable lesson.

Just a brief blog, but at least I am back! So looking forward to getting creative and sharing it with you all once again. In the mean time, check out my recent blog, to see what I have actually been up to. 

Bye for now :)

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Adventures with Beebe!

After what feels like an eternity, I'm back! Before I knew it, Christmas arrived, then New Years, then epic heat waves, all while growing precious cargo. Life has been exhausting, but wonderful too, with the exception of the heat waves. I loathe summer at the best of times...way to make it unbearable for me global warming.

So, as a reward for your patience, I am giving you not part, but all of Adventures with Beebe! Contain yourself- there's more! I'm starting back at the beginning because, after some searching, I found the original text, and feel it's only fair to include that too. It differs slightly from the last blog, as this one is narrated from the perspective of Lizzy, my eldest daughter.

I hope you enjoy it. As always, feedback welcome :)

Hi everybody!
I’m Lizzy, this is Sarah,
We have the best family- its true!
We live with mum and dad, but best of all,
Our home is Beebe the bus! How cool!

           As part of my home schooling
I have to write things down,
Journaling all that happens
As we travel around.

Our uncle Lellon gave us a call.
He sounded a bit blue,
So we packed all our gear and left Brisbane.
We knew what we had to do.

Cheer him up of course!

Beebe was the most excited.
She loved to travel with us.
We always did things together.
She’s the most amazing bus.

We passed the Glass House Mountains.
Sarah said giants must live inside.
Wow! I wonder if they come out when they’re bored
To watch the cars drive by.

When we arrived at our uncle’s farm,
Sarah and I wanted to play,
But uncle Lellon smiled and said
He had work for us to do today.

This didn’t sound like fun.
In fact, do you know what I think is true?
Uncle Lellon just wanted help
So he pretended to be blue.

Why didn’t he just ask us?

      We looked to mum and dad for support.
Hmmmmm! They conveniently turned away,
So we followed uncle Lellon
To see what he’d planned for the day.

Collecting eggs was our first job,
But it just wasn’t fair.
My uncle has too many chooks-
They lay eggs everywhere!

We’re supposed to collect how many?!

OOOOOMPH! Grumble,
The next chore was feeding Soxy,
The constantly hungry horse.
Far out, this was tough!
Sarah helped of course.
Now uncle Lellon had run out of milk,
So he took us up to meet Bessie.
Milking by hand was no easy task.
Things got very messy.

Can’t we just go to the shops for a carton of moo juice?

The work was done, we could have some fun!
A trip to Caloundra won the vote.
Mum made some food, I found the togs
While Sarah helped hook up the boat.

Mum’s manic food preparation is the best- yuuuuummm!
Oh no!
Beebe couldn’t fit in the boat
With all of us inside.
Dad asked Beebe to wait on land.
She nodded, and I think she cried.
I felt so sorry for Beebe.
I didn’t want to leave her behind.
How could I have fun now
With her sad face on my mind?
Oh dear.
Dad wasn’t very happy.
He wasn't having fun.
Beebe had followed the boat
And dumped everyone.
Dad was incredibly stroppy,
We went back to the farm right away.
Dad gave Beebe ‘time to think’,
While we went out for the day.

Leaving Beebe behind two times in one day!
How could this be fair?
She didn’t mean to drench us
Or mess dad’s feral hair.
The rodeo at Woodford
Was the strangest sight to see.
Why did the horses jump ‘round and ‘round?
Had they been stung by a bee?

Or were they just in a mood like dad?
The sun had set when we finally returned.
What a long and exhausting day.
But back at the farm, all was not right-
Beebe had run away!

It was too dark to look now,
We would have to wait the night,
And start our big search
For Beebe come first light.
Getting to sleep without Beebe was hard,
I missed her and my own bed.
Dad was brave, he said not to worry
As he tucked me in and kissed my head.

Dad looked sad. I think he felt sorry for his temper tantrum.

Yet, I couldn’t get to sleep when dad left the room.
I thought country nights were quiet.
Up on the roof, I’m very sure,
Someone had started a riot!
I dreamed of Beebe all alone,
Lost in the bush all night.
Who would give her a cuddle
If something gave her a fright?

I hope you’re safe Beebe.
First thing in the morning,
Without a moments delay,
We started our search for Beebe,
Intent on finding her right away.

So, we looked high…
We looked low…
I’m sure we looked everywhere.
How on earth could such a big bus
Seem to vanish into the air?

I was really starting to worry,
Sarah felt anxious too,
So we put our ideas together,
Hoping to find a clue.

I know, maybe she got on a plane,
And parachuted into the sky.

Or maybe she built a cute rocket ship
And blasted off way up high.

These ideas seem very possible,
Beebe liked planes and space ships too.
But without a lot of proof,
There seemed little we could do.

Why didn’t mum and dad believe us?
What a tragedy and how unfair!
This really couldn’t be right.
After looking everywhere we could think of,
Beebe was nowhere in sight.

Losing Beebe was hard to face.
It really brought us down.
We all missed her so much,
We were the saddest family around.

The situation seemed hopeless.
It filled us with such despair.
After one last try to figure this out,
We all got the same idea.

Everyone in town was at Woodford,
The rodeo was on its last day.
We decided as a family to visit again
And look for Beebe along the way.

At the rodeo, we gals sat down,
Uncle Lellon and dad looked around.
Then I spied something familiar
About one of the rodeo clowns.
A bull with attitude charged up behind this clown,
Butting it you know where,
Sending this poor clown flying
Up and up through the air.

Ouch! That’s got to hurt.
With a THUD this clown came down,
Landing right where we were sitting.
After removing its hat and nose,
We’d found who we were missing!

We had a BBQ to celebrate Beebe’s return,
It went on ‘til late at night.
We were happy to be back together
After such a horrible fright.

Dad apologized for getting angry.
Beebe was sorry for running away.
Sarah and I promised Beebe
To play with her everyday.
The next morning...
We had fun playing with Beebe,
Jumping on the trampoline all day.
We like it, except for when Beebe gets on
And bounces us…

There you have it, my first ever, fun little journal of our life in a 1969 Bedford bus! I had hoped to make the story even more exciting by adding hidden images to find on each page, but as yet, haven't completed that stage. But, I plan to. 

Hope you all enjoyed the read! Until next time, thanks again for visiting.